Monopoly Go! Prize Drop Rewards

Peg-E Prize Drop is an event where you collect event tokens then drop them from the slots at the top of the game board in order to win rewards in Monopoly Go. We will tell you the Prize Drop schedule, give you information on when is the next Prize Drop event on Monopoly Go, tell you how to play it, let you know what you can typically win, tell you all the ways to get more tokens, and drop any hints we have to help you bag as many rewards as you can.

Below is some free Chips for use in ” Peg-E Rolls Drop “

300 Flags:

Peg-E Prize Drop rewards and milestones

Here are the rewards for this version of the Peg-E Prize Drop event

LevelPoints requiredReward
2400Yellow vault of 150 dice and a two star yellow sticker pack
3900Pink sticker pack
42,000150 free dice rolls
53,800300 free dice rolls
56,000Four star blue sticker pack
59,000600 free dice rolls
813,500Cash, 1,200 free dice rolls and a five star purple sticker pack

Once you have completed this first page of rewards, there is another page of rewards to collect. Once we have more information about these rewards, we’ll add them there. Although we don’t know for certain, I think there is a good chance of seeing either a swap pack or a wild sticker on that second page.

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